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Our services are tailored (but not exclusively) for:

Professional Working Parent/Parents


Recuperating Individuals


The Elderly


Vulnerable Adults


Due to their time constraints we work in tandem with the services of Personal Carers, Support Workers, Occupational Therapists (OTs) plus other care/health related professionals. 


Basic House Cleaning

We do a basic top and bottom clean of your home. (Includes laundry at client's home or local launderette)



We do household items top-up/shopping based on your necessities.



We do an ironing service to meet the needs of your household.


Household Errands

We carry out errands to fulfil your household responsibilities.


​These varied time-allotted sessions are done twice or more per month during the morning or afternoon. The cost is based on your home's council tax band starting from â€‹£16.00 per hour plus admin charge.


​Services are available to residents in Birmingham and certain parts of Solihull and Sandwell in the West Midlands.


​Why not book a preliminary appointment to discuss your needs and have a home assessment thereafter? This discussion may take place by Zoom Video or Telephone Conference Call. Further details are given at the time of making an inquiry.


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